Monday 20 October 2014

Ooooh, look what I found!!

I just found this picture in my folder while I was going through the pictures. I must have forgotten that I had it!


McD, Starbucks, M.O.D,, guess what! The list goes on!

On the request of :- Chelsea Smith
"Can you write an article on your favorite towns or shops to visit?"

Alright. Let's begin with shops.
To be honest, I don't like shopping...I might be the first girl, heehee, who knows?
But when it comes to restaurants! Oooh, I'm probably the first one to say yes!

However, there are days, as everyone knows, that are a little different from the normal ones. So exactly! Whenever, I'm in the mood to shop, you'd probably find me a fashion store, either local or a place which is talked about all over the town.

The place where I live (I guess you already know) is quite famous for it's jewelry and traditional clothes! Here's a peek at the jewelry I'd buy the most:
Bangles (Churees-in the local language)
You'd find them arranged in
such a way or in more
beautifully arranged way.
Brides wear red and white colored churees on their
marriage as well as for another one month, I guess.

 Yeah, so that was about jewelry. Shops for clothes are widespread all over! You won't find one place that doesn't have more then three stores!
Fashion stores that are quite well known for their collections here are: Shopper's Stop, Westside, Biba, GAP, Utsav. People, nowadays even shop online from sites like, Myntra, Jabong, Yebhi, etc.

Restaurants are also common in different places. We've got McDonalds, Starbucks, M.O.D, and a few restaurants with local foods. To be honest, if you look for one shop, you'll find dozens!


As you know, I always relate what I'm writing to life. So here it is. For some, music is equal to life, for some food and for some shopping. I know a few people who are shopaholics, people who find peace in shopping, and you know what? We all do! 

"O my! It's been years since I've come here!
I remember. I used to get pocket money
every Saturday and I'd always come
 here to spend it on novels!"
Although some of us hate it, or get goosebumps on hearing it, but just think about it. I don't know if it's happened with you, but have you ever felt beautiful or in rest when you're in a shop, a quite one, not with so much noise, and picking a an apparel which you think would look good on you. YOU'RE GETTING YOUR OWN "ME-TIME!"

You know, you sometimes even find your "real-me" or the "past-me" in shops.
Let's take an example of a restaurant, when you walk past it, you might just say, "Haha! I remember that, when I was in college......." or past a clothing store, " you know I used to wear such shirts when I was a kid, or in university, etc..."
Forget about such stores! Think about bookstores, gaming stores, device stores, TOY STORES!!
You will definitely find a part of you in these stores!

Now coming to the towns. Well, I like to go to every place. You can never ask me to name one town
that is my favorite! There are many places to visit. Sometimes you feel that you're in a place filled with buildings, sometimes you feel that you're in a suburb and sometimes you feel that you're in the lap of mother nature!
whatever happens in those
two minutes can be worth
There are just so many roads to travel, so many sights to see on the way and so many different reliefs to ride upon!
Each town delivers a story, a story in which you play a part. Let it be a road of only two minutes, but whatever happens in those two minutes can be worth telling!

THANKS CHELSEA. Hope you liked it!

(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)

Saturday 18 October 2014


Welcome back,
blogger Arfah!! :p
Okay....I'm back....
I know I took a lot of time.... Sorry for the delay. I remember, the last post was posted in July... :p
Well....I almost thought, I'd become one of those people who make a blog and forget about it... I think it happens with everyone, but I'm really attached to this blog....."WON'T LEAVE YOU EASILY BLOG!!!" Hahaha!

However, now let's talk about something...
Adventure....... a word with deep meaning.....
Adventure of the soul, of the mind, of the heart.....

Well, why am I talking about adventure? 'Cause I'm going on one. An adventure to the adventure to distant lands, an adventure through the darkest nights...

You know, adventure is something that each and everyone experiences and that too, everyday!
Adventure doesn't always have to mean, something big. It can even pop out from your daily routine! In fact, sometimes you try something new without even knowing!

Feelings of fun, love,
Adventures bring a lot of feelings out. Fun, love, excitement, bravery and sometimes even aggression to do something!
Such ventures are an opportunity, an opportunity to find your inner driving force, to find how far you'll go to enjoy to the most.

Adventures are also a type of test, a test to find how much risks you'll take! You'll obviously need to choose paths on an adventure....(TO BE CONTINUED)

I'm not done friends. It's just to give the beginning a sweet start or in other head isn't working today.. :p

(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)

Sunday 22 June 2014

Company.......that's all I want.

Humans are social beings. True. Imagine this whole planet in which million and millions of people live, but none of them talk to each other. Umm, guess what? I can't even imagine it.

I've been inspired to write this post by one of my study-mates.
She doesn't talk to anyone. This is true. I saw an introvert person who doesn't talk to anyone only in movies. I never believed they existed, but when I met her, I found out that such people do exist.

Imagine walking on a long road without anyone
to walk with or ask directions to.
I just don't know how can she just sit alone and not talk to anyone but herself. I mean, I become restless if I can't talk to anyone around me.
She sits for about more than six hours without talking to anyone.

However, people say that those people who don't talk much have fun stories to tell. I thought about it and said that let me find out. So I did. Consequently, I was made to sit next to her. And then what? We started talking. However, when I say talking I don't mean all day long and not that friendly cum secretive cum giggly talks, I mean short-short sentences that too after long gaps.

But guess what! I came to know a lot about her, her background and her likes and dislikes. She was INDEED an interesting person, however there was a ti nee-tiny problem and that was difficult to make her open up.

You know, whenever our mood is low or gets low, we decide that we won't talk to anyone. But believe me.....that never happens. As soon as we see people we're really close to, who we share our "daily information" with, we really can't keep our mouths shut. And sometimes it happens so that, the front person has many things to say and we can't just keep quite to compliment.

You know what............that girl I was talking about, just imagine if she wants people to come to her and talk to her. Probably she's just shy or some other reason......
Just because she doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't mean that she doesn't want company. And you know what, because she doesn't talk to anyone, no one talks to her. Hmm.
You know sometimes I wonder, who helps her when she needs study help or help in her personal matters. The first people I would go to our my parents or my friends.

So, remember, if you see any person sitting alone and you know him or her, be the first one to go there and talk to the person and make him/her feel comfortable and wanted.
Life has no maximum worth without company.

(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)

Saturday 7 June 2014

Coming soon!!!!

Can't sit still when alone?
Really need company??
Can't imagine yourself without talking to someone?

Well, that's my next post's topic. Plus, I'm really excited to post on this topic, 'cause I've been inspired by someone I know to write this post. Someone who's always confused me, but always me desperate to know the truth.

I'm half way through the post. I've never said "coming soon" to any post, but this one is.........different (for me, that is.)

Wish me the best.... :p

Friday 23 May 2014

Quiz lovers: this is a "must read."

Are you looking for a website that gives you such quizzes that you love to try them out everyday?
Then guess what?!
Your search ends here.

My cousin, who owns the blog "A place where you can find anything with a soul" which is listed in "My fav blogs," introduced me to such a website that has loads of FUN quizzes.

This website, she mentioned, has the most interesting quizzes ever. It also has a quiz upon the smallest of the

What is your travel personality?
(One of the quiz they have.)
smallest object, like, what color pen are you, what picnic food are you? However, even these small object quizzes reveal a lot about your personality.

I've added it in the list of "My fav blogs." So just go to the top right and you'll find it.
Check it out. You might find out the deep secrets hidden within you.

Thursday 22 May 2014


It's happening!!!
Yup, it's happening.

Well.....have you ever come across such a day that you just wished would never come.
Now, that is what's happening. My summer vacations are coming to an end.

There's no problem in getting up, rushing and trying to reach on time and do everything on time.........actually it is, however, the big problem comes there when you have to go through this load of work, interact with a few people you were happy to be away from (note for friends: don't take it personally :p), going through the same routine you were doing for the past "century", seeing the same things over and over again, walking on the same road you walked through everyday, etc.

 ......just spend some time
with your family.
But it's true. There is soooo much excitement, "peace of mind" and
happiness in vacations. Be it any vacation. And the point of being happy
to get away from people is also in it's own way true. Sometimes you just wanna be alone, or with a new group or just spend some time with your family. It happens.
Sometimes remembering those people bring bad memories which you just want to get away from. But then all of a sudden there comes the moment where you have to go back and face them.

Vacations bring sweet memories. They bring "comfy" memories.
It's always a joy to go on vacation and always a drab to let go off it. However, life is life. You have to work for happiness and you even have to relax for happiness.
Life tries to give you an equal balance between work and play.

So right now, if you're working, then don't worry. Your holiday is up close. And if you're on vacation which is going to come to an end, then just relax, because you will have to work hard but after that you'll get a whole piece of time to yourself.

(Note for close friends: Please do not take the third paragraph seriously. It is a part of my explanation. Heehee.:p)

Monday 12 May 2014


Goal, a word that comes and goes, and probably even a word that you've heard a million times.
I know I've already posted on the the topic of goal, but I think I didn't write much + the main things. Well, that was the time when I started the blog. :p

Life is a journey, as we all know. This journey that we all go through. One way of making this journey
exciting and worth the while is having a goal. A goal that each one of us have.
To be honest, I've never met a person who doesn't have a dream or goal in life.
And, if you think you're a person who doesn't have a goal..........hold on there. You have a goal. It's just waiting to show up or it's present but just needs your attention.

Some goals are big, some goals are small. But that doesn't matter. The smallest of the smallest dream to achieve can become a big "lifetime achievement."
So dream. Find out your goal. And if you already know what it is, take measures, take risks, take opportunities to fulfill it.

You must have heard on media, many stories of people who have achieved so much out of nothing. People who, when young never even had the facilities or right commodities, but now they're among the most powerful people in the world.
Now we all know what drove them. They all had a goal. A dream to do something. And they did, 'cause they had determination to fulfill it.

You see, life becomes more enjoyable, happier and even gets a tinge of suspense when you have a goal.
Never be afraid to reach the heights.

"You get what you deserve, not what you desire. So, desire what you deserve." - Anonymous

(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)

Friday 25 April 2014

Heeheehee............. IT'S SUMMER!!!!!

Oh, it's summer already.... I mean it's gonna start in May... (Where I live, that is.)
However, in other countries, even though it's gonna start late, like in June or other months, it's gonna be summer and only summer...

Summer is such a season, oh, such a season, where one has the adventurer in them awaken. I like summers. Everyone does........but........not the summers which bring uncomfortable feelings and conditions with them.

It's so fun, don't you think. Just imagine life without summer. We wouldn't have any excuse for going to the
beach, hahaha.

Summers can be good and bad. Good for those who are free, have nothing to do and want to do something new. However, bad for those, who have work load and no vacation. But don't worry. Those who're staying at home and aren't going on vacation or doing something new, you can enjoy the little things summer brings with it. Like, eating a full tub
of ice cream (my favourite :p), sitting in the AC for the whole day and imagining
that you're on a beach, buying some short clothes just by the excuse of, "it's summer", breaking some sweat by dancing, playing sports or just cleaning up the house and then spending hours and hours in the shower, bath tub or swimming pool, etc.

So this, I would say, is the best time to enjoy. As I mentioned above, even if you're doing nothing enjoyable in summer, it's fine, because that's what you're thinking. Summer will bring big and small surprises and gifts. It's just how see or feel them.

Sometimes when I'm bored, this is what I say, :p :


(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)

Monday 14 April 2014


TODAY'S 13 APRIL!!! THE DAY HAS COME!!!! :) :) :)
Today was the day that I planned to thank you guys...... :) :)

Well, whoa! It's been a long, and I mean a long time since I posted something and to be honest I really didn't want anything like that to happen.
It's already April, and when you hear the word "April" you hear the word "Spring."
April, a beautiful month with a lot of joy to give.

Well, I really want to give my whole hearted thanks to my readers and followers.
Now, you must be wondering why am I thanking you all?
Is it the "1 anniversary" of the blog?
Is it something related to the "well-being" of the blog? :p

Even I don't know!
I just want to thank everyone out there!
Hahaha, what a feeling....
Probably it might be the joy of Spring coming or probably it's the joy of the month April....

Now my dear readers and followers,

and readers.... <3 <3

Keep on reading and following.....
I will try to make sure to write posts within a short period of time.....
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Sunday 16 March 2014

New topic in the poll.

Now I know that my poll was made to issue options on topics of life, but this I really need to ask all of you.

I was viewing, in random, some blogs of other bloggers and I came across this idea in one of the blogs, it's
just that my poll has more options, heeheehee. I have always wondered what is the reactions of my readers and how has it influenced them.

Please do cooperate and try to give me an idea of how you think this blog is. So, be sure to check out the poll....

Saturday 1 March 2014

I need to take the risk.......

Have you ever said this to anyone?

A risk is something that we all find coming at some point of life. It's something that a person needs to take not once, not twice or even more than three times.
Some might even be experienced in taking such risks as they have already handled and taken many risks.

It is a will to do something that might sacrifice something dear to us or probably even make us sacrifice ourselves.
However this is true that some risks aren't that big, like you know, normal day-to-day sacrifice of little-few things.

But have you noticed that many of the risks that have to be taken are so big that they have a large impact on us....
While taking some risks we get distracted and some times even lose our mind. :P

Risks don't always have to be serious.
Some risks are just for fun. They can even be teeny-tiny.
For example, imagine you're writing an exam. You get stuck on an question. It's like a question in which options are given. You will obviously take the risk to guess the right answer and write the answer (which you think is correct.)

Risks need to be taken. They are necessary!
Did you know? That a life without risks is VERY boring!
There are many things that make life very exciting and taking risks is included in the list.

A person can sometimes keep regrets after taking risks. Believe me, I've seen many people go in depression or even get very regretful after taking risks.
Don't worry. You're not committing a crime. You're just taking risks. Even if you hadn't taken the risk, probably another time would come where you would have to take a risk and who knows? Probably that one might be worst than the first one. Once committed, forget about it.

Risk is taking chances in small
or even big matters,
 to solve the matter or get out of it.
So don't get scared while taking risks. You're doing them for your own good.
But always remember:
There are many people who take stupid and I mean stupid steps in doing something, and call it "taking a
If it's something like that, then it is NOT a risk!!! It's stupidity!
Risk is taking chances in small or even big matters, to solve the matter or get out of it. They are not about taking chances to lead to your downfall.

Take the risk.
It'll be a long journey,
But it'll be for your own good
with a good ending!
Taking risks can be joy, sorrow, pain, happiness but at the end of taking a risk, be tension free.
That is the role of a risk. Giving you tension, but than letting you know that it was needed (and fun :P)

(Please do write to me, I really would like to know your views. 
If you have a doubt or need advice, please do not hesitate to ask me. Even if you have a topic that you would want me to write about, please do send it to me.... Thank you.)

Saturday 22 February 2014

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Dear readers,
This isn't a new post or probably it is. I seriously don't know, but I present to you an image that might make you think about the topic of bullying a hundred times.

As you know that I have a poll at the side of my blog, and people have even voted. I have received maximum good answers but even those options are voted on which I didn't expect there'd be any votes.

Now this is not a post on bullying. It's just an image. However, I will write on the topic of bullying as I have received some disappointing votes. There are people in this world who think that they cannot fight it and there is no use of life. But for now just read carefully what's written in this picture below:

Some of you might have already seen this image. Hope you found it interesting...

I'll be back!!!!

Hi, readers!
Just a small note from me.

I know that some of you might be waiting for a new post 'cause for the past few weeks I'm not writing anything.
I know how it feels to look at a blog without any new posts, heehee.
But don't worry, I didn't forget my blog. I'm just a lil' busy, I mean who's not these days. :p
Just give me a few more days and you'll be reading a new post.

Until then, patience dears, patience. Hahaha.

With love and gratefulness,
Your dear blogger, Arfah Upade.

Saturday 25 January 2014

I have the right, I have the freedom.....

My rights, my freedom.
My point of view and way of believing.
My honor, my pride.
My culture and hidden hide.
                                       -Arfah Upade

You read it right. We all have the freedom, the freedom to do some thing, the freedom to do so much.
My freedom,
my life.... <3 <3
Each and every one of us were born with a cause, we were born with a......well, let's say, with a mission, a
mission to change the world.

How?  Well, that's your choice.
There's a verse in the story of "The Count of Monte Cristo" that says:

Overturn the world, change it's character, yield to mad ideas, be even a criminal---but live!!!

This quote is marvelous! Turn over the world, view it with another view or even with your own view. Change the way it does things. Give out all those mad ideas that you have within you. Show them to the world, BUT JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!!

Freedom was given to you right from the start. It just matters if we know that we have freedom or not. Life's foremost right is freedom. Without freedom your life can never be called life.

Always try to enjoy the freedom life
 gives you without hesitating.
However, always remember, even though you need freedom in your life, try to make sure you're not getting much more freedom than necessary.
Like everything has a limit, even freedom has a limit.
Always try to enjoy the freedom life gives you without hesitating.

I have seen, heard and talked to people complaining about their freedom saying that I'm not allowed to this or I couldn't go there on that day because my parents didn't allow me, this not fair, I don't have any freedom, etc, etc.....
Complaining about small issues ain't right.

You've got the freedom to do so many things. It's your life. Your freedom can be small or big. For example, small freedom such as eating ice cream, dancing or opening your account in a social website, etc, etc.
Big examples such as, travelling the world, going out alone, making your own decisions, choosing the career that you wanna do, not getting the chance of wearing the clothes that they want and doing stuff that you never imagined, etc, etc....

Some people are restricted to eat ice cream, dance, sing or other activities! WOW! Some people don't even have the freedom to put their thoughts in between concerning matters or chose their dream profession. Many can't even step out of the house alone or even travel with others for a field trip or picnic or somewhere around the world.....

I mean there are so many people out there that don't even get the freedom that you have.
Once my friend told me," Arfah, I really don't have any freedom yaar (friend) because my parents didn't send me to her (not mentioning any names) house. This isn't fair. I am grown up! I should have my freedom! I can handle my life!"

What did I do? Well, of course, I gave her a long lecture telling her that there are people out there who have to be inside the house or just meet their friends in public.
The most common complaint I've heard is that "we don't get to go on sleepovers"
I mean, seriously people! Some don't even get to go to their
friends house and you're crying over a little sleepover.

and others expect more from
 how much they have......
Freedom is something that we all get. It's just in what quantity we get it or it might just be that we all get
equal freedom, but probably some don't have the strength or right to use it and others expect more from how much they have......


(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)

Friday 17 January 2014

Please wait. Ok, I'm waiting and waiting and much do I have to wait???

Such simple word with such a huge meaning.

Patience is a virtue that everyone needs to have.
It's a necessity for everyone. Every life in other words needs patience.
You must have heard people saying that patience and hard work is the key to success. It's not false.

But patience ain't easy to get my friend.....
A lot of hard work is needed also to get patience.  It might take a lot of time to deserve what you want but it always leads to something beautiful, something unimaginable. It takes a lot of hope, a lot of courage, a lot of self-respect and a belief in yourself saying that, "Yes, I'll wait. I'll wait till I get what I want. I'll wait till it happens. Yes, I believe myself. I'll wait." By patience what can you not get!
For example, you're writing a book. you can get the best ideas only when you're patient.

There are many people in this world that are quite impatient. Trying to get their words through, doing everything in a fuss, doing whatever it takes to put the work in action and get the work done.
Yes, it is good to get the work done in time, BUT NOT IN FUSS. It is good to get your words through, BUT NOT BY FORCE. Doing things to get your work done, BUT NOT BY DOING WRONG AND CAUSING INJUSTICE.

There is always other things that you can do while you're waiting. For example, a most comman example, your net is working slow and something is loading or downloading, until then you can hang out on another website, playing games, trying out quizzes, checking out news, and a lot more things.

However, waiting is not always as short as all of the above. Some have to wait for months, years and
sometimes even THEIR LIFE!
Some people even lose the things close to them in the process of waiting but eventually find success through the end. Every person who has patience will definitely, I say 100%, will get what they deserve. It serves them right. Always remember that never lose hope on waiting, or should I say patience, as you might receive your treat after a little bit of time, but you surely will receive it......

Always remember, the lord gives you what you want but takes time as he knows the right time to give it to you.
If you wanna know more about examples of true patience, than I suggest you read "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas. However, there is also a short version of this story published by Orient Blackswan.
You should see Edmond Dante's patience and regained hope.

(Please do write to me, I really would like to know your views. If you have a doubt or need advice, please do not hesitate to ask me. Even if you have a topic that you would want me to write about, please do send it to me. Any topic in which you'd like to add your experiences or sentences, please  do inform me.... Thank you.)

Friday 10 January 2014

Oooh, I'm sorry. It's my habit.

Habit, a word that everyone knows.
It's a habit. One sentence probably everyone has said.

A habit something that everyone has. Habits are, well from my point of view, actions that probably describe our personalities. A habit can tell a lot about us. What kind of person we are, what do we like or dislike or even how we would or do take situations.

Habits can be tinee-tiny or they can be huge, putting an impact on the others around you. They can be bad and the can be good!
Habits may not come to you by you knowing..... They might come as slow as possible. THEY MIGHT COME AS A BIG BAD SHOCK..... Who knows?

But there are so many habits that we start or even end because of others!
Yes, because of others. How? Why? Well, I have seen some people, who end their habit because of others. To be honest, I am a person who laughs so loudly that it can be heard in the next room. I stopped laughing loudly because people use to shout at me for my laughter and even tease me..... But after a while I realized that, who are they to tell me. Yes, but remember that this is also true that don't let your habit irritate others or make them aggressive. I didn't stop laughing loudly but I reduced the amount of how much I use to laugh.

Many people start habits. Like for example, you like the habit of a girl or guy or a girl or a guy is quite popular in your area or school, college or anywhere else just because the way they act and you then make up your mind that you are now gonna take all their habits. Like wearing multiple rings on your finger, putting gel on your hair, coping their style of walking, The way they dress up, the way they talk, or anything else that you might think is their habit......

But you know what? You should be yourself..... Your habits are a part of you...... In other words, they're your second body.....
Now, what I'm also trying to say is that, your habits define you but remember bad habits RUIN YOU!
Bad habits are quite hard to leave but for the sake of your life and others that are close to you, leave it!

But before I continue writing, let me so tell you that bad habits do not have to be big and bad, they might
even be childish.......
So, really don't worry when I say about these bad habits.....

Every person has different-different  innate habits. I have the habit of wearing my watch on my right hand. As I said earlier habits don't really have to be big. Some habits are rare and some are quite comman.
It is person's responsibility to respect the habits of others.

Many people have unusual habits. Like wearing five to six bracelets on one hand, wearing their clothes upside down, collecting movie DVD's, putting on different bows, ties or clips that matches with the dresses they wear, buying paintings that sometimes don't even make sense, checking their pockets before and after leaving home, moving their hands a lot while talking , still sleeping with their cuddly toy, etc, and the most comman habit that I've seen is:
Putting up the pictures of the best moments in your life on your wall......

Always remember, your habits are one of the prime factors of your life. You can control your habits. Just know that you have the decision to accept them or not!
Remember: you don't need to change your habits for others, I MEAN GOOD HABITS, just try to keep them in such a way that others don't get disturbed. You know why? Because your habits are your second body, you don't need to change them for anyone......

(Please do write to me, I really would like to know your views. If you have a doubt or need advice, please do not hesitate to ask me. Even if you have a topic that you would want me to write about, please do send it to me.... Thank you.)