Sunday 22 June 2014

Company.......that's all I want.

Humans are social beings. True. Imagine this whole planet in which million and millions of people live, but none of them talk to each other. Umm, guess what? I can't even imagine it.

I've been inspired to write this post by one of my study-mates.
She doesn't talk to anyone. This is true. I saw an introvert person who doesn't talk to anyone only in movies. I never believed they existed, but when I met her, I found out that such people do exist.

Imagine walking on a long road without anyone
to walk with or ask directions to.
I just don't know how can she just sit alone and not talk to anyone but herself. I mean, I become restless if I can't talk to anyone around me.
She sits for about more than six hours without talking to anyone.

However, people say that those people who don't talk much have fun stories to tell. I thought about it and said that let me find out. So I did. Consequently, I was made to sit next to her. And then what? We started talking. However, when I say talking I don't mean all day long and not that friendly cum secretive cum giggly talks, I mean short-short sentences that too after long gaps.

But guess what! I came to know a lot about her, her background and her likes and dislikes. She was INDEED an interesting person, however there was a ti nee-tiny problem and that was difficult to make her open up.

You know, whenever our mood is low or gets low, we decide that we won't talk to anyone. But believe me.....that never happens. As soon as we see people we're really close to, who we share our "daily information" with, we really can't keep our mouths shut. And sometimes it happens so that, the front person has many things to say and we can't just keep quite to compliment.

You know what............that girl I was talking about, just imagine if she wants people to come to her and talk to her. Probably she's just shy or some other reason......
Just because she doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't mean that she doesn't want company. And you know what, because she doesn't talk to anyone, no one talks to her. Hmm.
You know sometimes I wonder, who helps her when she needs study help or help in her personal matters. The first people I would go to our my parents or my friends.

So, remember, if you see any person sitting alone and you know him or her, be the first one to go there and talk to the person and make him/her feel comfortable and wanted.
Life has no maximum worth without company.

(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)


  1. Replies
    1. Yup dear. A post dedicated to her. Heehee. She's really inspiring. :)

  2. Idk who she is..but I hope all those who read this,will reach out to such ppl,n open em up..coz at tyms,all dat dey need is just sm1 who wl open em n change em..for d better..

    1. Hey Ananya.
      People should go up to them so as to open them up for the better.
      They honestly have a lot to share.... :)

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