Friday 17 January 2014

Please wait. Ok, I'm waiting and waiting and much do I have to wait???

Such simple word with such a huge meaning.

Patience is a virtue that everyone needs to have.
It's a necessity for everyone. Every life in other words needs patience.
You must have heard people saying that patience and hard work is the key to success. It's not false.

But patience ain't easy to get my friend.....
A lot of hard work is needed also to get patience.  It might take a lot of time to deserve what you want but it always leads to something beautiful, something unimaginable. It takes a lot of hope, a lot of courage, a lot of self-respect and a belief in yourself saying that, "Yes, I'll wait. I'll wait till I get what I want. I'll wait till it happens. Yes, I believe myself. I'll wait." By patience what can you not get!
For example, you're writing a book. you can get the best ideas only when you're patient.

There are many people in this world that are quite impatient. Trying to get their words through, doing everything in a fuss, doing whatever it takes to put the work in action and get the work done.
Yes, it is good to get the work done in time, BUT NOT IN FUSS. It is good to get your words through, BUT NOT BY FORCE. Doing things to get your work done, BUT NOT BY DOING WRONG AND CAUSING INJUSTICE.

There is always other things that you can do while you're waiting. For example, a most comman example, your net is working slow and something is loading or downloading, until then you can hang out on another website, playing games, trying out quizzes, checking out news, and a lot more things.

However, waiting is not always as short as all of the above. Some have to wait for months, years and
sometimes even THEIR LIFE!
Some people even lose the things close to them in the process of waiting but eventually find success through the end. Every person who has patience will definitely, I say 100%, will get what they deserve. It serves them right. Always remember that never lose hope on waiting, or should I say patience, as you might receive your treat after a little bit of time, but you surely will receive it......

Always remember, the lord gives you what you want but takes time as he knows the right time to give it to you.
If you wanna know more about examples of true patience, than I suggest you read "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas. However, there is also a short version of this story published by Orient Blackswan.
You should see Edmond Dante's patience and regained hope.

(Please do write to me, I really would like to know your views. If you have a doubt or need advice, please do not hesitate to ask me. Even if you have a topic that you would want me to write about, please do send it to me. Any topic in which you'd like to add your experiences or sentences, please  do inform me.... Thank you.)


  1. Have you ever thought about writing a book, just full of little words of wisdom on each page like you do in your blog?

    1. Thank you for the compliment. I really appreciate it.
      Haha, I'm writing a novel dear, but I don't think you'll find any such words in it. :p
