Saturday 25 January 2014

I have the right, I have the freedom.....

My rights, my freedom.
My point of view and way of believing.
My honor, my pride.
My culture and hidden hide.
                                       -Arfah Upade

You read it right. We all have the freedom, the freedom to do some thing, the freedom to do so much.
My freedom,
my life.... <3 <3
Each and every one of us were born with a cause, we were born with a......well, let's say, with a mission, a
mission to change the world.

How?  Well, that's your choice.
There's a verse in the story of "The Count of Monte Cristo" that says:

Overturn the world, change it's character, yield to mad ideas, be even a criminal---but live!!!

This quote is marvelous! Turn over the world, view it with another view or even with your own view. Change the way it does things. Give out all those mad ideas that you have within you. Show them to the world, BUT JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!!

Freedom was given to you right from the start. It just matters if we know that we have freedom or not. Life's foremost right is freedom. Without freedom your life can never be called life.

Always try to enjoy the freedom life
 gives you without hesitating.
However, always remember, even though you need freedom in your life, try to make sure you're not getting much more freedom than necessary.
Like everything has a limit, even freedom has a limit.
Always try to enjoy the freedom life gives you without hesitating.

I have seen, heard and talked to people complaining about their freedom saying that I'm not allowed to this or I couldn't go there on that day because my parents didn't allow me, this not fair, I don't have any freedom, etc, etc.....
Complaining about small issues ain't right.

You've got the freedom to do so many things. It's your life. Your freedom can be small or big. For example, small freedom such as eating ice cream, dancing or opening your account in a social website, etc, etc.
Big examples such as, travelling the world, going out alone, making your own decisions, choosing the career that you wanna do, not getting the chance of wearing the clothes that they want and doing stuff that you never imagined, etc, etc....

Some people are restricted to eat ice cream, dance, sing or other activities! WOW! Some people don't even have the freedom to put their thoughts in between concerning matters or chose their dream profession. Many can't even step out of the house alone or even travel with others for a field trip or picnic or somewhere around the world.....

I mean there are so many people out there that don't even get the freedom that you have.
Once my friend told me," Arfah, I really don't have any freedom yaar (friend) because my parents didn't send me to her (not mentioning any names) house. This isn't fair. I am grown up! I should have my freedom! I can handle my life!"

What did I do? Well, of course, I gave her a long lecture telling her that there are people out there who have to be inside the house or just meet their friends in public.
The most common complaint I've heard is that "we don't get to go on sleepovers"
I mean, seriously people! Some don't even get to go to their
friends house and you're crying over a little sleepover.

and others expect more from
 how much they have......
Freedom is something that we all get. It's just in what quantity we get it or it might just be that we all get
equal freedom, but probably some don't have the strength or right to use it and others expect more from how much they have......


(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)


  1. I will definitely enjoy my freedom!!!
    Nice article!!! :)

    1. Thank you dear.... :)
      And I'm sure you will....
