Friday 25 April 2014

Heeheehee............. IT'S SUMMER!!!!!

Oh, it's summer already.... I mean it's gonna start in May... (Where I live, that is.)
However, in other countries, even though it's gonna start late, like in June or other months, it's gonna be summer and only summer...

Summer is such a season, oh, such a season, where one has the adventurer in them awaken. I like summers. Everyone does........but........not the summers which bring uncomfortable feelings and conditions with them.

It's so fun, don't you think. Just imagine life without summer. We wouldn't have any excuse for going to the
beach, hahaha.

Summers can be good and bad. Good for those who are free, have nothing to do and want to do something new. However, bad for those, who have work load and no vacation. But don't worry. Those who're staying at home and aren't going on vacation or doing something new, you can enjoy the little things summer brings with it. Like, eating a full tub
of ice cream (my favourite :p), sitting in the AC for the whole day and imagining
that you're on a beach, buying some short clothes just by the excuse of, "it's summer", breaking some sweat by dancing, playing sports or just cleaning up the house and then spending hours and hours in the shower, bath tub or swimming pool, etc.

So this, I would say, is the best time to enjoy. As I mentioned above, even if you're doing nothing enjoyable in summer, it's fine, because that's what you're thinking. Summer will bring big and small surprises and gifts. It's just how see or feel them.

Sometimes when I'm bored, this is what I say, :p :


(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)

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