Friday 29 November 2013

Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I changing all time long.

You're changing.
You need to change.
Why are you changing?
Try some thing different, something for a change.
Don't change please.
Change, please.

Do you hear these? or have you ever in your life heard this?
Well, it might be common, not the above lines but probably something related to change.

Change is a thing that comes in each and everyone's life. You could say that, no one escapes from it.
Some or the other time you have to change. It's part of life and also it's aspects.
There will be many twist and turn that will come in life and force you to change or might even make you change without you even knowing.

Changes are good, but some changes can be bad but some changes might be bad but they have a good intention. Quite confusing right? Well, here's a picture that might help you understand what I mean.

Some changes might be bad
but they have a
 good intention.

Changes are actually very important in life, a change in thought, a change in action, a change in speech.......probably even a change in the way that you live, like for example, removing the curtains that have been covering your windows for over a year now, changing the old sofas for a few stylish ones, getting your hair cut in something that is in fashion right now, buying some new artifacts for replacing the old ones in your office or your house.

Change can also be done by changing your habits, like, going to the gym at a different time, if you don't buy paintings, then starting to buy paintings, go to a different place for the vacations, trying out
a new flavor of ice cream, trying out a new style of clothing rather then those that you wear everyday, etc, etc.

You must be thinking that these examples are of little change, but little change is more great than a big change, you know why?
Well, the answer is because, when we talk about big change, we usually mean change in our behavior, attitude, personality, etc.

You must have noticed that when people say in a negative way that you need to change, you come to know that you're not the person you use to be, or at least you think so.
There are many obstacles in life that will make you change, not in a good way but in a bad way.
Always remember that whatever the deal may be, you have to be your self.

Sometimes we change for a moment or even for the whole time, just to impress someone. But it's funny that we never notice that when we're trying to impress that person or those people, a great impact is left on the people closest to us.

A time might even come when you'll have to change forcefully. Probably for your family, friends, or even for your own self.
Now what do I mean?
Well, just imagine a time where your family or friends might be in a situation where, well, you can only help out, but for helping them you need to go against your ideas, your morals, your honor and mostly YOUR CHARACTER!
Then what would you do? It might be easy to say "no" right now while reading this, but it's quite not how you think it may be?

I know a few stories of my friends and of the people I know that, just to get the attention of our professors, teachers, most popular people in school, or someone that they want to be known by,
They change them selves. They become the people that the people from whom they want
attention want them to become, or probably they think that this how that person wants them to become.

I have even noticed that some change just because they wanna show others that they are much clever, important, useful, reliable, resourceful, stronger, or even have much knowledge than the person they dislike, envy, or even wanna become like them.

Always, remember that when you change, change those things that don't make a big mess, or don't even bother you or anyone else, because when you change a lot, you leave many impacts on those around you.

(Please do write to me, I really would like to know your views. If you have a doubt or need advice, please do not hesitate to ask me. Even if you have a topic that you would want me to write about, please do send it to me.... Thank you.)