Friday 1 November 2013

Exams, not in schools but in life

When we say exams, we always don't mean exams of study or final exams that will get you further in your career or anything like that. We (especially I  think that.....) life is full of exams. Let it be the smallest things, but there is always a test behind it.

These exams of life might show up to show how you are in person, that means your character, your views, your honesty, loyalty, skills, your abilities and MOST IMPORTANTLY YOUR PATIENCE AND BELIEF IN GOD AND YOURSELF.

My mother always tells me that "Those who are loved by the Lord very much, get many tests in their life."
OK.......OK........ this doesn't mean that if you don't get many challenges to go through, the Lord doesn't love you and exactly how do you know that you don't get any challenges. We all get tests to go through, its just that sometimes we don't notice them.

Now just like how sometimes, when we have exams, we tend to study hard, work hard and sometimes tend to get tensed.......heehee, well, just like that when life sometimes shows up challenges without you even knowing, we tend to do the same in the exams of life.
But remember when passing through an exam of life, you will have to get tensed, but not so tensed that you end up thinking that what is the use of your life.

 Always remember, the challenges that life gives you will only last for a short period of time, so don't take it SO seriously that you feel that your life isn't a gift.
You know, the problems and exams or challenges in life can be dealt with in a short space of time, you know how? Well, it's easy. Tell the people that you are close to or meet someone with the same view or same challenge or problem as you........

As I said earlier "LIFE IS A JOURNEY, IT HAS MANY UPS AND DOWNS" and these challenges are a part of those ups and downs.

After completing your challenge, look back and you will see that while reaching the end point of your challenge it was quite a tough road but now it just looks like a simple road with many small potholes in the middle.

( Please do not hesitate to ask me questions, it'll be my pleasure to answer them.
Even if you are going through a problem in life and need a solution, then feel free to ask me or even if you want me to write an article(post) on your topic, it'll be my pleasure.)

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