Thursday 21 November 2013

Smile, life is wonderful!!!! You have every right to do.

You look beautiful when you smile.
This is one line that everyone needs to hear.

Smiling is also another way to get over all those problematic aspects of life. Why even smile, laugh......
Let the troubles think that you're mocking them, let them think and know that you are a fearless person who won't quit so easily.

Smiling, laughing, an activity of those who enjoy whatever life gifts them with. If you think it is hard
Whatever the situation
enjoy with a smile
or simply laugh.
to smile even when life is not that merciful, than you might be right. It depends on what kind of person of you. But, if you keep on trying and trying you will notice that you will get use to it. That means that even if you're in a situation or if someone else is in a situation where it's hard to find a way, you'll handle it with a smile or even a laugh.

However, there are many people in this world that probably don't smile a lot, sulk all the time, and most probably also don't laugh prominently. Well, that might be because something is going on in their mind or something has happened with them. But you won't believe it if I tell you that many people who smile a lot might be having lots and lots of bitter truth.

Under sweet smiles,
there may be bitter truths.
It's an unbelievable coincidence. Many of those who rarely smile have life going on smoothly until and unless something has happened with them or has left an impact on them but on the other hand those who continuously keep on smiling, laughing, giggling, joking, etc,
have deep secrets hidden beneath. They don't only have to have secrets but they can also have bitter truths or even feelings that some don't understand. Their smile may be beautiful, sweet, cute, but no one tries to ask if they have something going on in their mind.
When you have a situation like this, remember, try to be a fully understanding person, don't try to argue or get your point through. When you are listening to the stories of others, always have your ears open and mouth closed, it shows the person you're listening to, that you're interested, and you're understanding what he or she is trying to convey. If you are a person who is in such a situation, then look for the person with all the qualities mentioned above and a person with all those magical words to calm you down.
If you want to know more about this, I suggest you read the short story written by Dr Chaman Nahal called "The Silver Lining."

Laughter is the best medicine. Why do they say it? Because they mean it.
Laughter IS the best medicine. I'll give you an example, today we had a interschool throwball match.
I saw that my team mates were in pressure because the captain of the opponent team was going to serve. They were tensed because she was a very good player.
So you know what I did? While she was getting ready to serve, I quickly told my team mates to burst out laughing. I asked them to remember anything funny they knew and start laughing or just simply start laughing. Even I joined my team members and suddenly there was a decrease in the numbers of tensed faces.
Every one then played with a chilled mind and thus then we won that set of the game. Even though we had troubles throughout the games, we played happily. So burst out laughing or simply smile when you have something that makes you tensed or even hyper in front of you.

Well, do you know why people say smile while taking photos?
My answer would be, that........ well, I'd like to know from you.
I keep on answering questions, but right now I want to know how you guys think and what you think.
If there are even any questions please do ask me.
I'll be happy to know that you get some help from my posts.

Be happy, life goes on and on giving you many gifts, surprises, disappointment factors, etc. But it depends on how you take it.
How you handle it, how you want to handle it, how should it be handled.
As I said earlier, in my earlier post, life is a exam giver, it gives exams which only last for a short while.
Try, again and again, life is sympathetic, it will give you second chances.