Thursday 14 November 2013

SIIIP....AAAAHHH. Can't start your day without your fav drink?

ITEMS                               PRICE
Milk Tea                              XXXXX
Herbal Tea                         XXXXX
Pure Black Coffee               XXXXX
Hot Chocolate                    XXXXX
Liquid Chocolate               XXXXX
Vanilla Cream Coffee        XXXXX
Oooohhhh, look at all the names of the listed items. Did it stir your mind?
Now if you ask me that what do our favourite drinks have to do with life, than the answer is simple.
Think of a time, a time where you were stressed out, in a situation where you thought that your head was going to blast, and instead of doing anything else, you took a glass or mug full of your favourite drink and than drank it. And suddenly after drinking it, you got your piece of mind.
Well, if you haven't tried it, than try it and see the change, a very relaxing change.
Drinking your favourite drink soothes your mind. It leaves your mind blank for a moment.
We all have  a special drink, It doesn't always have to be tea, coffee, or anything only related to the cafĂ©. It can also be a tasty juice, soft drink or even a hard drink.
I have seen in one article that, our favourite drink can tell stories of us, ourselves.
Yes, this is true. This considers things like, how much sugar do you put in your tea, how black do you want your tea, if you put milk in your tea, how many ice cubes do you put in your drink, how much cream do you want on your Expresso, if you take anything else with your drink like, cookies, sandwiches, your normal breakfast and stuff like that.
It's quite unimaginable, but true.
Drinks don't only tell how we are in person, but also tells our past stories. Mostly how we started drinking that drink which is now very precious to us.
Like how we first began the drink. Every one has a story to tell of how it first began. Even if the story is simple.
Where it first began and especially with whom did it begin with.
Many have long stories based on these topics. And some cherish the stories deep within their heart and tell it to others with a lot of affection.
Why? Well, because some life decisions were made while drinking, some important work plans were worked through with coffee............AND THE MOST PRETTY ONE, many beautiful life decisions
were taken with a glass of cold drink, a cup of cold coffee or who knows, maybe even a bottle of beer.

Some of us have branded drinks as an option. Many of us have options that, without our drink our day becomes restless, but you will not believe it but many people even when they have their favourite drink in front of them, they will not drink it just because it isn't the brand of the drink they want.
People get so use to their own brand of drink that if they drink the drink of another brand, they start getting sick, dizzy, restless and sometimes even insane.

So, now you know that, many people take their drinks very seriously and why shouldn't they, a drink can say a lot about you.

The days of many just starts with one single sip of their favourite.
It means a lot to many. Starting their day with a siip and aaahh, gives them just the idea they need.
It is like communicating with their fav drinks for them.
Shocking, isn't it. Well, notice and you'll find

 "Thus, find a favourite drink, pour it into a glass or mug, sit back and relax......."
(If there are any problems or questions you want to ask me, please feel free.
If there also any requests for writing an article on your topic or any other topic, please do send them.)

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