Monday 4 November 2013

One choice I get when I start my life: My friend

Yes, friend. A common word, isn't it?

Have you ever thought that when you were born and while you were growing up, you didn't have the opportunity to choose the things that you really need in life, like parents, guardians, relatives, cousins and all the other people or things you need or want to love or for understanding. But when it comes to the matter of friends, you get to choose them as your will.

A friend is the person or are the people, you get to choose. They are those people who, as you wish talk to you informally, understand you without any questions, agree with you without any debate and MOST IMPORTANTLY HOLD YOUR HAND WHEN YOU ARE FALLING.

The above characteristics are what a friend is and how you would describe a friend. But, the question is.........can we find people with this nature in these present days? Today, we probably won't find so many people fulfilling these needs. Is it because they themselves haven't found a person like that?
Well, I don't know but I can give you one advice, you, yourself be a good friend, with all the qualities that a person would describe a very good  friend to have, and I'm sure that by doing this you'll see many people changing into something different, something good, something like a good friend.

Having a friend doesn't necessarily mean that, that friend should be a human being. It can also be your own things, like your pets, photographs, showpieces and even  many things like your childhood toys. How? Well, have you ever seen a person talking to his or her cotton teddy bear, woolen doll, wooden horse, clay pot which was made in childhood or even photos of someone they are not close to right now?

Well, this is not something unusual. I can give you an example, like have you ever watched Mr. Bean? You must have seen that he himself had a brown teddy bear, who he cared for a lot and treated him as if it were alive.
Many people, who feel lonely, don't have friends, or maybe faraway from their friends, see their friends in their personal belongings. But why do some people talk to their pets, even when they have friends which love them a lot? Well, the answer is simple and we all know that it is love for their pets.

A person who has a pet for along period of time and has many cherished moments with it, finds it normal to chat or talk with their pet about their personal values, moments and sometimes even their problems. Now you might be thinking that it's nonsense and how can an animal understand and respond? Well, don't underestimate this because an animal can understand his or her master's mood and story by just looking at their face.

Have you ever thought why do they say that a dog is a man's best friend?
Well, even after writing this much, I would like to conclude by saying, that whatever you think, I would say an animal is the bestest friend ever. Why? Because have you noticed that when a human is
your friend, there are many deals, bets, emotions, sometimes even lack of the qualities needed in a good friend but when it comes to animals, you'll get the best results ever as they do not ask for anything in return for their friendship,
To understand more about an animals love, I suggest you to read the short story written by Isaac Asimov called, "A boy's best friend."
This story will help you understand the love and affection an animal shows in it's friendship.
"Always remember a true friend is the one who laughs with you, not at you."