Tuesday 31 December 2013

Hey! Were we in 2013???

2013 is gone!!!!

If any of you noticed that this year went quite quick.....
Hope 2014 isn't like that. Well most of us are celebrating this auspicious moment, so all I'd say is that enjoy this moment as it is the beginning of a year, a year which just might be the "lucky charm" for some.

365 days! 365 days, went so early and 365 days coming again early.
Isn't it wonderful?
Always remember, the same moments might repeat in 2014, so remember how you faced it or how you could have faced it.
Nothing will be impossible, it's easy if you try......

I just want to tell those people who think that this year (2013) went bad then the next year will also go bad, that it's nothing like that. I've always heard that the Lord helps you in everything, it's just that he finds the right time to reveal it out to you.....

And don't worry, if it doesn't happen now (I hope that doesn't happen), it'll happen in 2015, 2016 or
even onwards. Just think that the Lord has a fixed time for it to happen.....

If you go further and think that the time is over for it to happen now, then you're wrong!
Who knows, the opportunity will come back in maybe another form.......

Believe in your life...
You just have to believe, believe in yourself, believe in your LIFE....

Well, the main point is.........
A wish you have a safe one.
Many people will be out partying tonight, but please be safe. As, I said earlier, this life was given to you because you were thought responsible....

Today's night will lead to a bright morning.... :). Thank you dear readers and followers..... I hope this year brings you a lot of joy and cherishable moment....