Friday 29 November 2013

Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I changing all time long.

You're changing.
You need to change.
Why are you changing?
Try some thing different, something for a change.
Don't change please.
Change, please.

Do you hear these? or have you ever in your life heard this?
Well, it might be common, not the above lines but probably something related to change.

Change is a thing that comes in each and everyone's life. You could say that, no one escapes from it.
Some or the other time you have to change. It's part of life and also it's aspects.
There will be many twist and turn that will come in life and force you to change or might even make you change without you even knowing.

Changes are good, but some changes can be bad but some changes might be bad but they have a good intention. Quite confusing right? Well, here's a picture that might help you understand what I mean.

Some changes might be bad
but they have a
 good intention.

Changes are actually very important in life, a change in thought, a change in action, a change in speech.......probably even a change in the way that you live, like for example, removing the curtains that have been covering your windows for over a year now, changing the old sofas for a few stylish ones, getting your hair cut in something that is in fashion right now, buying some new artifacts for replacing the old ones in your office or your house.

Change can also be done by changing your habits, like, going to the gym at a different time, if you don't buy paintings, then starting to buy paintings, go to a different place for the vacations, trying out
a new flavor of ice cream, trying out a new style of clothing rather then those that you wear everyday, etc, etc.

You must be thinking that these examples are of little change, but little change is more great than a big change, you know why?
Well, the answer is because, when we talk about big change, we usually mean change in our behavior, attitude, personality, etc.

You must have noticed that when people say in a negative way that you need to change, you come to know that you're not the person you use to be, or at least you think so.
There are many obstacles in life that will make you change, not in a good way but in a bad way.
Always remember that whatever the deal may be, you have to be your self.

Sometimes we change for a moment or even for the whole time, just to impress someone. But it's funny that we never notice that when we're trying to impress that person or those people, a great impact is left on the people closest to us.

A time might even come when you'll have to change forcefully. Probably for your family, friends, or even for your own self.
Now what do I mean?
Well, just imagine a time where your family or friends might be in a situation where, well, you can only help out, but for helping them you need to go against your ideas, your morals, your honor and mostly YOUR CHARACTER!
Then what would you do? It might be easy to say "no" right now while reading this, but it's quite not how you think it may be?

I know a few stories of my friends and of the people I know that, just to get the attention of our professors, teachers, most popular people in school, or someone that they want to be known by,
They change them selves. They become the people that the people from whom they want
attention want them to become, or probably they think that this how that person wants them to become.

I have even noticed that some change just because they wanna show others that they are much clever, important, useful, reliable, resourceful, stronger, or even have much knowledge than the person they dislike, envy, or even wanna become like them.

Always, remember that when you change, change those things that don't make a big mess, or don't even bother you or anyone else, because when you change a lot, you leave many impacts on those around you.

(Please do write to me, I really would like to know your views. If you have a doubt or need advice, please do not hesitate to ask me. Even if you have a topic that you would want me to write about, please do send it to me.... Thank you.)

Tuesday 26 November 2013

I've added a new gadget!!!!!

Hey, guys, this is not a post but, just a message from me, saying that, I've added a new gadget, A POLL !!!!
Yes, a poll. You will find it beside my posts, underneath "They're following me, what about you."
I have been making many attempts to see what you guys think about a particular topic and I will continue to that but right now, this is one way of you expressing your thought with out telling anyone who you are.
Check it out, I'm quite excited !!!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Smile, life is wonderful!!!! You have every right to do.

You look beautiful when you smile.
This is one line that everyone needs to hear.

Smiling is also another way to get over all those problematic aspects of life. Why even smile, laugh......
Let the troubles think that you're mocking them, let them think and know that you are a fearless person who won't quit so easily.

Smiling, laughing, an activity of those who enjoy whatever life gifts them with. If you think it is hard
Whatever the situation
enjoy with a smile
or simply laugh.
to smile even when life is not that merciful, than you might be right. It depends on what kind of person of you. But, if you keep on trying and trying you will notice that you will get use to it. That means that even if you're in a situation or if someone else is in a situation where it's hard to find a way, you'll handle it with a smile or even a laugh.

However, there are many people in this world that probably don't smile a lot, sulk all the time, and most probably also don't laugh prominently. Well, that might be because something is going on in their mind or something has happened with them. But you won't believe it if I tell you that many people who smile a lot might be having lots and lots of bitter truth.

Under sweet smiles,
there may be bitter truths.
It's an unbelievable coincidence. Many of those who rarely smile have life going on smoothly until and unless something has happened with them or has left an impact on them but on the other hand those who continuously keep on smiling, laughing, giggling, joking, etc,
have deep secrets hidden beneath. They don't only have to have secrets but they can also have bitter truths or even feelings that some don't understand. Their smile may be beautiful, sweet, cute, but no one tries to ask if they have something going on in their mind.
When you have a situation like this, remember, try to be a fully understanding person, don't try to argue or get your point through. When you are listening to the stories of others, always have your ears open and mouth closed, it shows the person you're listening to, that you're interested, and you're understanding what he or she is trying to convey. If you are a person who is in such a situation, then look for the person with all the qualities mentioned above and a person with all those magical words to calm you down.
If you want to know more about this, I suggest you read the short story written by Dr Chaman Nahal called "The Silver Lining."

Laughter is the best medicine. Why do they say it? Because they mean it.
Laughter IS the best medicine. I'll give you an example, today we had a interschool throwball match.
I saw that my team mates were in pressure because the captain of the opponent team was going to serve. They were tensed because she was a very good player.
So you know what I did? While she was getting ready to serve, I quickly told my team mates to burst out laughing. I asked them to remember anything funny they knew and start laughing or just simply start laughing. Even I joined my team members and suddenly there was a decrease in the numbers of tensed faces.
Every one then played with a chilled mind and thus then we won that set of the game. Even though we had troubles throughout the games, we played happily. So burst out laughing or simply smile when you have something that makes you tensed or even hyper in front of you.

Well, do you know why people say smile while taking photos?
My answer would be, that........ well, I'd like to know from you.
I keep on answering questions, but right now I want to know how you guys think and what you think.
If there are even any questions please do ask me.
I'll be happy to know that you get some help from my posts.

Be happy, life goes on and on giving you many gifts, surprises, disappointment factors, etc. But it depends on how you take it.
How you handle it, how you want to handle it, how should it be handled.
As I said earlier, in my earlier post, life is a exam giver, it gives exams which only last for a short while.
Try, again and again, life is sympathetic, it will give you second chances.


Friday 15 November 2013

It's all about experiance dear........

Experience, experience.
It's one thing we all need.

Have you noticed that things come and go, but mostly some of the things come most of the time.
It's like life giving you a second chance, a chance to understand the ways of how life works.
It's like playing a game with life and if you do some mistake, life acts like a understanding opponent

Life will give you
more and more chances
and gives you a second chance to throw the dice, in other words a second chance to take the risk, but in this second chance it tries to make you remember the mistake you did in your first trial and tells you in it's own words that use the lesson taught in the first mistake to help you in your second chance or you'll end up doing a mistake again, a bigger mistake.

An experience can even be small. Like for example, today I bought a set of pens and I thought that the pens were colour pens because they all from outside had a different colour, but when I used them I found that they all were blue pens. What a fool I became...... :)
But that is how life works, you can't really do anything about it.

No matter, the experience
be small, like even how to
make a new hairstyle,
it has a big lesson to teach.
Always remember, let the experience be small or big, it has a very big lesson behind it.
Enjoy life and the experiences it brings with it.
You make mistakes, it's fine, life hasn't stopped, has it?

Of course, you will feel sad, angry with your self and even sometimes you'll feel foolish like how I did when I found out about the pens......heehee, but it's fine you'll get chances, many chances to improve your self or even the mistakes you did. It is all about how you learn from your mistakes, how you fell and got back up, how you took your experience to a high level and owed all your gratitude to it.

Nothing takes too much
to learn
Doing mistakes and learning from them is quite easy, you just have to have the determination and concentration of attaining your goal.
Taking chances, failing again but trying again and again is a good option.
Nothing takes too much too learn.
You fail, it's fine. Try again, life is long and longer are the opportunities it brings with it.

Right here I talk about experience in life, not only in work.

It's all about the experience dear......

Thursday 14 November 2013

SIIIP....AAAAHHH. Can't start your day without your fav drink?

ITEMS                               PRICE
Milk Tea                              XXXXX
Herbal Tea                         XXXXX
Pure Black Coffee               XXXXX
Hot Chocolate                    XXXXX
Liquid Chocolate               XXXXX
Vanilla Cream Coffee        XXXXX
Oooohhhh, look at all the names of the listed items. Did it stir your mind?
Now if you ask me that what do our favourite drinks have to do with life, than the answer is simple.
Think of a time, a time where you were stressed out, in a situation where you thought that your head was going to blast, and instead of doing anything else, you took a glass or mug full of your favourite drink and than drank it. And suddenly after drinking it, you got your piece of mind.
Well, if you haven't tried it, than try it and see the change, a very relaxing change.
Drinking your favourite drink soothes your mind. It leaves your mind blank for a moment.
We all have  a special drink, It doesn't always have to be tea, coffee, or anything only related to the cafĂ©. It can also be a tasty juice, soft drink or even a hard drink.
I have seen in one article that, our favourite drink can tell stories of us, ourselves.
Yes, this is true. This considers things like, how much sugar do you put in your tea, how black do you want your tea, if you put milk in your tea, how many ice cubes do you put in your drink, how much cream do you want on your Expresso, if you take anything else with your drink like, cookies, sandwiches, your normal breakfast and stuff like that.
It's quite unimaginable, but true.
Drinks don't only tell how we are in person, but also tells our past stories. Mostly how we started drinking that drink which is now very precious to us.
Like how we first began the drink. Every one has a story to tell of how it first began. Even if the story is simple.
Where it first began and especially with whom did it begin with.
Many have long stories based on these topics. And some cherish the stories deep within their heart and tell it to others with a lot of affection.
Why? Well, because some life decisions were made while drinking, some important work plans were worked through with coffee............AND THE MOST PRETTY ONE, many beautiful life decisions
were taken with a glass of cold drink, a cup of cold coffee or who knows, maybe even a bottle of beer.

Some of us have branded drinks as an option. Many of us have options that, without our drink our day becomes restless, but you will not believe it but many people even when they have their favourite drink in front of them, they will not drink it just because it isn't the brand of the drink they want.
People get so use to their own brand of drink that if they drink the drink of another brand, they start getting sick, dizzy, restless and sometimes even insane.

So, now you know that, many people take their drinks very seriously and why shouldn't they, a drink can say a lot about you.

The days of many just starts with one single sip of their favourite.
It means a lot to many. Starting their day with a siip and aaahh, gives them just the idea they need.
It is like communicating with their fav drinks for them.
Shocking, isn't it. Well, notice and you'll find

 "Thus, find a favourite drink, pour it into a glass or mug, sit back and relax......."
(If there are any problems or questions you want to ask me, please feel free.
If there also any requests for writing an article on your topic or any other topic, please do send them.)

Saturday 9 November 2013

You can live my life for a short while, what am I?

What am I, what am I?
Any guesses?

Well, let me reveal it.........
A DREAM. Yes a dream. We all dream dreams. But the question is that why do we dream? Do our dreams come up for a reason or are they just an image that appear different everyday.
Well, the answer is that dreams are the answers to our questions and they appear different everyday because we have different questions everyday which need to be answered. Might be a surprise for some.

A dream doesn't always have to be an imagination just popping up after sleep, it can also be a vision of an incident that occurred with you or with something or someone that you know. This happens due to the incident leaving an impact on you or it can also be because it has a deep meaning to it.

Having a dream does not only occur when you are sound asleep, it can also be in the morning, when you're awake, in other words day dreaming. Now when you are daydreaming, it might seem to you as a state of disturbance created by us for our self but sometimes dreams just pop up in our mind, without us knowing.

Unfulfilled wishes
These dreams always have a deep meaning which we cannot see in the clear state of mind. Dreams can come in your mind as there might be unfulfilled wishes, promises to be made, unsafe demands, due responsibilities, actions to be taken, thoughts to be displayed, feelings to be shared.

But did you know that dreams don't only show incidents that already happened with you, dreams also show desire that you have, ideas that you want to make reality, promises you want to make or even
Ideas you want to make reality, plans
you want to work on.
Dreams can also show the future.
plans that you want to work on.

Dreams can also show the future. Did you know that? Have you ever been in a situation which you've already seen in your dream? Many people say that dreams are a way of the unconscious mind trying to give us a clue or hint on what is going to come.

Thus, they always say, "follow your dreams."


Monday 4 November 2013

One choice I get when I start my life: My friend

Yes, friend. A common word, isn't it?

Have you ever thought that when you were born and while you were growing up, you didn't have the opportunity to choose the things that you really need in life, like parents, guardians, relatives, cousins and all the other people or things you need or want to love or for understanding. But when it comes to the matter of friends, you get to choose them as your will.

A friend is the person or are the people, you get to choose. They are those people who, as you wish talk to you informally, understand you without any questions, agree with you without any debate and MOST IMPORTANTLY HOLD YOUR HAND WHEN YOU ARE FALLING.

The above characteristics are what a friend is and how you would describe a friend. But, the question is.........can we find people with this nature in these present days? Today, we probably won't find so many people fulfilling these needs. Is it because they themselves haven't found a person like that?
Well, I don't know but I can give you one advice, you, yourself be a good friend, with all the qualities that a person would describe a very good  friend to have, and I'm sure that by doing this you'll see many people changing into something different, something good, something like a good friend.

Having a friend doesn't necessarily mean that, that friend should be a human being. It can also be your own things, like your pets, photographs, showpieces and even  many things like your childhood toys. How? Well, have you ever seen a person talking to his or her cotton teddy bear, woolen doll, wooden horse, clay pot which was made in childhood or even photos of someone they are not close to right now?

Well, this is not something unusual. I can give you an example, like have you ever watched Mr. Bean? You must have seen that he himself had a brown teddy bear, who he cared for a lot and treated him as if it were alive.
Many people, who feel lonely, don't have friends, or maybe faraway from their friends, see their friends in their personal belongings. But why do some people talk to their pets, even when they have friends which love them a lot? Well, the answer is simple and we all know that it is love for their pets.

A person who has a pet for along period of time and has many cherished moments with it, finds it normal to chat or talk with their pet about their personal values, moments and sometimes even their problems. Now you might be thinking that it's nonsense and how can an animal understand and respond? Well, don't underestimate this because an animal can understand his or her master's mood and story by just looking at their face.

Have you ever thought why do they say that a dog is a man's best friend?
Well, even after writing this much, I would like to conclude by saying, that whatever you think, I would say an animal is the bestest friend ever. Why? Because have you noticed that when a human is
your friend, there are many deals, bets, emotions, sometimes even lack of the qualities needed in a good friend but when it comes to animals, you'll get the best results ever as they do not ask for anything in return for their friendship,
To understand more about an animals love, I suggest you to read the short story written by Isaac Asimov called, "A boy's best friend."
This story will help you understand the love and affection an animal shows in it's friendship.
"Always remember a true friend is the one who laughs with you, not at you." 

Friday 1 November 2013

Exams, not in schools but in life

When we say exams, we always don't mean exams of study or final exams that will get you further in your career or anything like that. We (especially I  think that.....) life is full of exams. Let it be the smallest things, but there is always a test behind it.

These exams of life might show up to show how you are in person, that means your character, your views, your honesty, loyalty, skills, your abilities and MOST IMPORTANTLY YOUR PATIENCE AND BELIEF IN GOD AND YOURSELF.

My mother always tells me that "Those who are loved by the Lord very much, get many tests in their life."
OK.......OK........ this doesn't mean that if you don't get many challenges to go through, the Lord doesn't love you and exactly how do you know that you don't get any challenges. We all get tests to go through, its just that sometimes we don't notice them.

Now just like how sometimes, when we have exams, we tend to study hard, work hard and sometimes tend to get tensed.......heehee, well, just like that when life sometimes shows up challenges without you even knowing, we tend to do the same in the exams of life.
But remember when passing through an exam of life, you will have to get tensed, but not so tensed that you end up thinking that what is the use of your life.

 Always remember, the challenges that life gives you will only last for a short period of time, so don't take it SO seriously that you feel that your life isn't a gift.
You know, the problems and exams or challenges in life can be dealt with in a short space of time, you know how? Well, it's easy. Tell the people that you are close to or meet someone with the same view or same challenge or problem as you........

As I said earlier "LIFE IS A JOURNEY, IT HAS MANY UPS AND DOWNS" and these challenges are a part of those ups and downs.

After completing your challenge, look back and you will see that while reaching the end point of your challenge it was quite a tough road but now it just looks like a simple road with many small potholes in the middle.

( Please do not hesitate to ask me questions, it'll be my pleasure to answer them.
Even if you are going through a problem in life and need a solution, then feel free to ask me or even if you want me to write an article(post) on your topic, it'll be my pleasure.)