Tuesday 31 December 2013

Hey! Were we in 2013???

2013 is gone!!!!

If any of you noticed that this year went quite quick.....
Hope 2014 isn't like that. Well most of us are celebrating this auspicious moment, so all I'd say is that enjoy this moment as it is the beginning of a year, a year which just might be the "lucky charm" for some.

365 days! 365 days, went so early and 365 days coming again early.
Isn't it wonderful?
Always remember, the same moments might repeat in 2014, so remember how you faced it or how you could have faced it.
Nothing will be impossible, it's easy if you try......

I just want to tell those people who think that this year (2013) went bad then the next year will also go bad, that it's nothing like that. I've always heard that the Lord helps you in everything, it's just that he finds the right time to reveal it out to you.....

And don't worry, if it doesn't happen now (I hope that doesn't happen), it'll happen in 2015, 2016 or
even onwards. Just think that the Lord has a fixed time for it to happen.....

If you go further and think that the time is over for it to happen now, then you're wrong!
Who knows, the opportunity will come back in maybe another form.......

Believe in your life...
You just have to believe, believe in yourself, believe in your LIFE....

Well, the main point is.........
A wish you have a safe one.
Many people will be out partying tonight, but please be safe. As, I said earlier, this life was given to you because you were thought responsible....

Today's night will lead to a bright morning.... :). Thank you dear readers and followers..... I hope this year brings you a lot of joy and cherishable moment....


Monday 30 December 2013

O' my life...... (Edited)

Life is like a roller-coaster with
many ups and downs;
but it's your wish to enjoy it
or not.
(Last two lines of the poem have been edited. Just popped up in my head and then I wrote it down.)

Life, It's like a roller-coaster ride.
Moving up and down giving goose bumps to my hide.
Life has it's own aspects,
to which we pay our due respects.
They teach us not to hate and be considerate.
It's filled with problems and solutions
Which make our heart make new resolutions.A change is required in every step,
sometimes here or sometimes there.
Life gives us benefits.
It's just how we look at them.
It's gives friends with benefits,
It's just how we choose them.
Life is short,
But it's journey is very very long.
Don't worry, be strong.
On this roller-coaster ride come with me.
Come along.

-Arfah Upade

I wrote this poem because I wanted to mix everything I wrote into one.
Now I haven't mentioned everything but I tried my best. I really like to write poems but I really don't know how this one came out.... Well, I like it. Every artist loves his or her work.... :)

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Jingle bells jingle bells............well those will be heard soon.

Christmas is here! (Well, actually near.)

Merry Christmas dear friends, followers and readers. Hope this Christmas will be a good one.
Just wanted to wish you on Christmas Eve because I don't think I'll have time on Christmas. I know you all know why.

We'll all be busy for Christmas preparations, ALL THROUGHOUT THE DAY!
Well, I won't write much about Christmas in this post but next year you'll surely find a post on the topic "Christmas."

All I wanna say is that enjoy this Christmas. Spend some of this joyous moment with your family and friends.
One more thing: have a safe Christmas and New Year. This life was given to you because you were thought responsible.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Now, I realize...... My life is better than theirs.

Well, I'll start off with this.
Thought it would be an
with a few standards.
A few days ago, I and my school mates went on a trip to visit a few children living in the slums. It was quite a dreadful sight while entering as, the condition the children were living in were very very bad.

We all thought it would be an orphanage with some standards in them. But, when we went there we came to know that it was a slum but we never expected the conditions to be soooooo bad.
However, a good news is that, a band of sisters(nuns) are running a one-room school over there.
It's great to see that these children are learning........it feels as if these children might be lucky enough to get a bright future.

Before going there, our sisters(nuns) had told us to bring some biscuits, clothes, toys, colors, coloring
A lil' gift for them.
books, etc.
We had a really great time with the children. They sang, they danced, they laughed, it was a wonderful moment. We even took pictures with them.
While coming back, there was this happiness we all felt within ourselves. Hahahaha, the children were VERY cute. Some of our girls just couldn't stop holding them. In short words, a cat fight was going on just for the action of carrying the children....heeheehee.

All I want to say is that look, you think you've got problems, look at them. However they live, they're happy.
We all have so many
We all have so many commodities, but we keep wanting more, and THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE.
When we went there, I noticed that it was so hot. There was a standing fan there but not many people could feel it's wind. We soon realized that we at least have fans or even AC's but we keep complaining. It might be a small thing, but it leaves a great impact.

Our life gives us everything, it's just that we try to find a mistake in it. Enjoy your life. Live it as it is.
And always remember, if you feel bad about something in your life, try to think of these type of children or people.

(Please do not feel afraid to ask me any question, it'll be my honor to answer them. If you have any topic on which you want me to write on, please don't hesitate to tell me. I'd really be happy to know more about you and also to help you out. If you even want me to update any of my other posts, please do tell.
You might be able to help not only yourselves but even others. Thank you)

Saturday 7 December 2013

Farewell Madiba.

"Madiba", or mostly known as Nelson Mandela. A great man. A leader who left his footsteps behind. A man with a story to tell, or should I say, had a story to tell,

I write this post in silence as I don't have any words to say or write.
A father of a nation, a country and mostly the father of million of hearts.
He was a great man, a great leader,  a great father and a great grandfather. His death is a news which is the cause of millions of tears.

We all know that he retired from public life from 2004, but he was still stored as a present and great image in the hearts of billions. We all knew this day would come but we didn't know, it would come suddenly.

I really don't know why, but I'm just not getting any words to write. Probably it must be my grief. It has not only left a profound impact on my heart, but on thousands and millions of hearts.

Well, here's a thought said by the great man himself: