Monday 20 October 2014

Ooooh, look what I found!!

I just found this picture in my folder while I was going through the pictures. I must have forgotten that I had it!


McD, Starbucks, M.O.D,, guess what! The list goes on!

On the request of :- Chelsea Smith
"Can you write an article on your favorite towns or shops to visit?"

Alright. Let's begin with shops.
To be honest, I don't like shopping...I might be the first girl, heehee, who knows?
But when it comes to restaurants! Oooh, I'm probably the first one to say yes!

However, there are days, as everyone knows, that are a little different from the normal ones. So exactly! Whenever, I'm in the mood to shop, you'd probably find me a fashion store, either local or a place which is talked about all over the town.

The place where I live (I guess you already know) is quite famous for it's jewelry and traditional clothes! Here's a peek at the jewelry I'd buy the most:
Bangles (Churees-in the local language)
You'd find them arranged in
such a way or in more
beautifully arranged way.
Brides wear red and white colored churees on their
marriage as well as for another one month, I guess.

 Yeah, so that was about jewelry. Shops for clothes are widespread all over! You won't find one place that doesn't have more then three stores!
Fashion stores that are quite well known for their collections here are: Shopper's Stop, Westside, Biba, GAP, Utsav. People, nowadays even shop online from sites like, Myntra, Jabong, Yebhi, etc.

Restaurants are also common in different places. We've got McDonalds, Starbucks, M.O.D, and a few restaurants with local foods. To be honest, if you look for one shop, you'll find dozens!


As you know, I always relate what I'm writing to life. So here it is. For some, music is equal to life, for some food and for some shopping. I know a few people who are shopaholics, people who find peace in shopping, and you know what? We all do! 

"O my! It's been years since I've come here!
I remember. I used to get pocket money
every Saturday and I'd always come
 here to spend it on novels!"
Although some of us hate it, or get goosebumps on hearing it, but just think about it. I don't know if it's happened with you, but have you ever felt beautiful or in rest when you're in a shop, a quite one, not with so much noise, and picking a an apparel which you think would look good on you. YOU'RE GETTING YOUR OWN "ME-TIME!"

You know, you sometimes even find your "real-me" or the "past-me" in shops.
Let's take an example of a restaurant, when you walk past it, you might just say, "Haha! I remember that, when I was in college......." or past a clothing store, " you know I used to wear such shirts when I was a kid, or in university, etc..."
Forget about such stores! Think about bookstores, gaming stores, device stores, TOY STORES!!
You will definitely find a part of you in these stores!

Now coming to the towns. Well, I like to go to every place. You can never ask me to name one town
that is my favorite! There are many places to visit. Sometimes you feel that you're in a place filled with buildings, sometimes you feel that you're in a suburb and sometimes you feel that you're in the lap of mother nature!
whatever happens in those
two minutes can be worth
There are just so many roads to travel, so many sights to see on the way and so many different reliefs to ride upon!
Each town delivers a story, a story in which you play a part. Let it be a road of only two minutes, but whatever happens in those two minutes can be worth telling!

THANKS CHELSEA. Hope you liked it!

(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)

Saturday 18 October 2014


Welcome back,
blogger Arfah!! :p
Okay....I'm back....
I know I took a lot of time.... Sorry for the delay. I remember, the last post was posted in July... :p
Well....I almost thought, I'd become one of those people who make a blog and forget about it... I think it happens with everyone, but I'm really attached to this blog....."WON'T LEAVE YOU EASILY BLOG!!!" Hahaha!

However, now let's talk about something...
Adventure....... a word with deep meaning.....
Adventure of the soul, of the mind, of the heart.....

Well, why am I talking about adventure? 'Cause I'm going on one. An adventure to the adventure to distant lands, an adventure through the darkest nights...

You know, adventure is something that each and everyone experiences and that too, everyday!
Adventure doesn't always have to mean, something big. It can even pop out from your daily routine! In fact, sometimes you try something new without even knowing!

Feelings of fun, love,
Adventures bring a lot of feelings out. Fun, love, excitement, bravery and sometimes even aggression to do something!
Such ventures are an opportunity, an opportunity to find your inner driving force, to find how far you'll go to enjoy to the most.

Adventures are also a type of test, a test to find how much risks you'll take! You'll obviously need to choose paths on an adventure....(TO BE CONTINUED)

I'm not done friends. It's just to give the beginning a sweet start or in other head isn't working today.. :p

(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)