Saturday 9 April 2016

Work done? Pleasure!

Baloons.......what? They give me joy, after I
 finish the  task of buying them. :p
You know those little treats that life gives you?
One of those treats include the pleasure that one feels when their work is done.

Just think about it. There must have been something on your mind for so long, that you wanted to do, and get done with, and as soon as you do feel so relaxed.
But there's more to it. Its not only a soothing sensation. You even feel happy. You feel more energetic!

Blogging ain't easy! :D
The same thing happened with me yesterday. I had my blog on my mind for so long, that after I finally posted something, I felt like getting done with more work. It definitely made my mood light!

Now if you're a student, lemme give you this advice. I know, I know, sometimes we can be so lazy, that we keep on leaving work for tomorrow or the day after, etc. But believe me, you have to force yourself to start! Cause once you've started and you're done, you'll have completed a goal and will also feel like doing some more work!

This is, you could say, a self-motivating task!

I have noticed some of my friends that are on vacation, are bored already! Haha! This might be the best thing to do (get work done!). Work that you planned for before the holidays started or just pick up some work and get on with it! Now, if you have a long list of plans but just don't wanna get up, haha, then.....chill, you've got time...

But that JOY! Wow!

Friday 8 April 2016

All the lil happy things.

Aah! Those memories!
There is so much. So much to life, don't you think?
There, we have the moments of happiness.
There, we have the moments of sadness.
Moments of excitement, anger, relief, frustration, etc.
So many many feelings.

But today, lets all talk about the little things, the things that give us happiness even in the smallest way possible.

We all have some or the other time have had wishes. Some are huge, and expensive, XD, whereas some are just small, and gives you joy just at the thought of them.

You know, when you think about these moments when you've been able to fulfill them, or do anything else which makes you happy and you add it all up, doesn't it bring a bright smile on your face.

These lil happy things
These lil happy things may include, going out with your father every Sunday to the ice cream parlor, getting that haircut you always wanted, dancing to your hearts content, saying something you always wanted to say, helping your mother try out a new fashion, outing with your old friends or even something embarrassing (believe me, even such moments can bring a smile to your face).

What an example! Ay!
I believe that one should constantly remember such moments......cause it gives a peace of mind. A soothing sensation.
AND!! If you're a person going through hard time right now, you really have to do this practice. It'll remind you that many a times, bad things happen but there will always be good time within them as well which will keep on reminding you that all the suffering will definitely come to an end.

Always remember, the Lord never lays such a burden, that a soul cannot bear.