Wednesday 20 May 2015

Why aren't you like me??!!

You make me love myself!!!
"Why aren't you like me??!!"
Have you ever thought of this question when with someone?
With someone you love being with, with someone you love sharing things....but don't really like them or like to be with them just because of a few attribute they have that you don't like...

Ever been in such a situation....I'll be honest. I've been in one. A person, you'd do anything to spend your time with! A person who makes you feel important, free, in a mood to share your deepest secrets...! It's just an amazing moment...and you'd like to live it again and again...

"Is it me, or has he changed??"
But then comes the time...where they do something you just don't understand. You sometimes just don't understand their logic behind their act..and they've got you all irritated up! Forget about understanding....sometimes it's something you don't like..and then for a start disliking that person (a teeny-tiny bit) :p But you know what's the funny part? Whenever you remember all the amazing moments you had with them......all of this "frustration" on them just fades away...

Hahaha, now when I say, be like me...I don't mean, and I hope no one means :p, that a person should be a copy of me...I'm just saying that...well, stop behaving really different one day and different the next.....(Hope its correct)

You know, all this sums up to one conclusion......and that's.....the person is not who he/she is, in front of you...... :(
Never a fake one...remember! :D
Not a good feeling..right? But you know...don't get sad on such a small issue....enjoy your time while with that person and when you get upset because of them, just because your thinking doesn't match.....say to yourself..."I'M UNIQUE." :D :D Forget about what they're doing and keep your heart light. :)