Friday 23 May 2014

Quiz lovers: this is a "must read."

Are you looking for a website that gives you such quizzes that you love to try them out everyday?
Then guess what?!
Your search ends here.

My cousin, who owns the blog "A place where you can find anything with a soul" which is listed in "My fav blogs," introduced me to such a website that has loads of FUN quizzes.

This website, she mentioned, has the most interesting quizzes ever. It also has a quiz upon the smallest of the

What is your travel personality?
(One of the quiz they have.)
smallest object, like, what color pen are you, what picnic food are you? However, even these small object quizzes reveal a lot about your personality.

I've added it in the list of "My fav blogs." So just go to the top right and you'll find it.
Check it out. You might find out the deep secrets hidden within you.

Thursday 22 May 2014


It's happening!!!
Yup, it's happening.

Well.....have you ever come across such a day that you just wished would never come.
Now, that is what's happening. My summer vacations are coming to an end.

There's no problem in getting up, rushing and trying to reach on time and do everything on time.........actually it is, however, the big problem comes there when you have to go through this load of work, interact with a few people you were happy to be away from (note for friends: don't take it personally :p), going through the same routine you were doing for the past "century", seeing the same things over and over again, walking on the same road you walked through everyday, etc.

 ......just spend some time
with your family.
But it's true. There is soooo much excitement, "peace of mind" and
happiness in vacations. Be it any vacation. And the point of being happy
to get away from people is also in it's own way true. Sometimes you just wanna be alone, or with a new group or just spend some time with your family. It happens.
Sometimes remembering those people bring bad memories which you just want to get away from. But then all of a sudden there comes the moment where you have to go back and face them.

Vacations bring sweet memories. They bring "comfy" memories.
It's always a joy to go on vacation and always a drab to let go off it. However, life is life. You have to work for happiness and you even have to relax for happiness.
Life tries to give you an equal balance between work and play.

So right now, if you're working, then don't worry. Your holiday is up close. And if you're on vacation which is going to come to an end, then just relax, because you will have to work hard but after that you'll get a whole piece of time to yourself.

(Note for close friends: Please do not take the third paragraph seriously. It is a part of my explanation. Heehee.:p)

Monday 12 May 2014


Goal, a word that comes and goes, and probably even a word that you've heard a million times.
I know I've already posted on the the topic of goal, but I think I didn't write much + the main things. Well, that was the time when I started the blog. :p

Life is a journey, as we all know. This journey that we all go through. One way of making this journey
exciting and worth the while is having a goal. A goal that each one of us have.
To be honest, I've never met a person who doesn't have a dream or goal in life.
And, if you think you're a person who doesn't have a goal..........hold on there. You have a goal. It's just waiting to show up or it's present but just needs your attention.

Some goals are big, some goals are small. But that doesn't matter. The smallest of the smallest dream to achieve can become a big "lifetime achievement."
So dream. Find out your goal. And if you already know what it is, take measures, take risks, take opportunities to fulfill it.

You must have heard on media, many stories of people who have achieved so much out of nothing. People who, when young never even had the facilities or right commodities, but now they're among the most powerful people in the world.
Now we all know what drove them. They all had a goal. A dream to do something. And they did, 'cause they had determination to fulfill it.

You see, life becomes more enjoyable, happier and even gets a tinge of suspense when you have a goal.
Never be afraid to reach the heights.

"You get what you deserve, not what you desire. So, desire what you deserve." - Anonymous

(Please do ask me questions if needed. I would love to know your feedback. If you have a topic on which you want me to write and article on, please send it to me. It'll be my pleasure. Any doubts, questions or even advice are welcome.
Thank you.)