Sunday 16 March 2014

New topic in the poll.

Now I know that my poll was made to issue options on topics of life, but this I really need to ask all of you.

I was viewing, in random, some blogs of other bloggers and I came across this idea in one of the blogs, it's
just that my poll has more options, heeheehee. I have always wondered what is the reactions of my readers and how has it influenced them.

Please do cooperate and try to give me an idea of how you think this blog is. So, be sure to check out the poll....

Saturday 1 March 2014

I need to take the risk.......

Have you ever said this to anyone?

A risk is something that we all find coming at some point of life. It's something that a person needs to take not once, not twice or even more than three times.
Some might even be experienced in taking such risks as they have already handled and taken many risks.

It is a will to do something that might sacrifice something dear to us or probably even make us sacrifice ourselves.
However this is true that some risks aren't that big, like you know, normal day-to-day sacrifice of little-few things.

But have you noticed that many of the risks that have to be taken are so big that they have a large impact on us....
While taking some risks we get distracted and some times even lose our mind. :P

Risks don't always have to be serious.
Some risks are just for fun. They can even be teeny-tiny.
For example, imagine you're writing an exam. You get stuck on an question. It's like a question in which options are given. You will obviously take the risk to guess the right answer and write the answer (which you think is correct.)

Risks need to be taken. They are necessary!
Did you know? That a life without risks is VERY boring!
There are many things that make life very exciting and taking risks is included in the list.

A person can sometimes keep regrets after taking risks. Believe me, I've seen many people go in depression or even get very regretful after taking risks.
Don't worry. You're not committing a crime. You're just taking risks. Even if you hadn't taken the risk, probably another time would come where you would have to take a risk and who knows? Probably that one might be worst than the first one. Once committed, forget about it.

Risk is taking chances in small
or even big matters,
 to solve the matter or get out of it.
So don't get scared while taking risks. You're doing them for your own good.
But always remember:
There are many people who take stupid and I mean stupid steps in doing something, and call it "taking a
If it's something like that, then it is NOT a risk!!! It's stupidity!
Risk is taking chances in small or even big matters, to solve the matter or get out of it. They are not about taking chances to lead to your downfall.

Take the risk.
It'll be a long journey,
But it'll be for your own good
with a good ending!
Taking risks can be joy, sorrow, pain, happiness but at the end of taking a risk, be tension free.
That is the role of a risk. Giving you tension, but than letting you know that it was needed (and fun :P)

(Please do write to me, I really would like to know your views. 
If you have a doubt or need advice, please do not hesitate to ask me. Even if you have a topic that you would want me to write about, please do send it to me.... Thank you.)